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Mentoring with Bridget

You’ve found your way to Bridget and the Your Inspired Story team because you know this to be true:​

​Writing a powerful book changes the world one reader at a time.

“Stories transform people, move people, inspire people, and sometimes save people. If there is a story inside of you that can do that for someone, I really would encourage you to talk to Bridget . . . It just might change everything. It did for me.”

Heidi Totten

Author, Entrepreneur, & Humanitarian

Book Mentorship

After your Inspired Writers Retreat, you are ready for weekly accountability and intense, professional feedback to get your book done and launched successfully. 


The 8-week Book Mentorship program helps Get-Your-Book-Done with weekly group sessions and strategic one-on-one’s. You’ll also have access to Bridget’s intensive, developmental editing.

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Executive Coaching

If you are a busy, motivated individual who deserves a mentor to work on your schedule, a customized Executive Program will support you best.


Master the art and skills of successful writing, polishing, pitching, publishing & launching your book, all with the expert guidance of Bridget, "The Book Whisperer"! 


Larger Packages may include a live VIP day with Bridget, the Inspired Writer’s Retreat, discounts for a Level II secondary retreat, plus three other boot camps!


Space is extremely limited. Packages start at $5000.

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 If you are still on the fence about which program will best serve your needs and your vision:

Book a Discovery Session with Bridget

You’ll spend 30 minutes with Bridget talking about your story, your vision for impact, and your timeline.

Watch out world! You're about to make your debut! 


“I had never been so stuck, stuck, stuck! Can I just say it sucked? And yet, after one hour with Bridget, it was like my manuscript came back to life. I remembered why I was writing in the first place, who my message was for, and especially what I wanted to say. After working with this extraordinary woman, I finally knew how to say it!  

Thank you, Bridget! Can I call you my Miracle Worker?”  

~ Dan Eastman Jr., Boulder, CO


Join me and my team!

Finish what you started, in less time

& with more ease, grace, and celebration!


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